Matt Shlian
Né en 1980 aux Etats-Unis dans le Connecticut, Matt Shlian a développé un langage original à la croisée de l’art et des sciences.
Formé aux arts céramiques notamment à Alfred Université et à Cranbrook, il ne revendique aucune affiliation, considérant son travail en marge de tout mouvement artistique.
Il s’est très vite intéressé à l’impression numérique et au support papier dont il apprécie la délicatesse et l’immédiateté.
Matt Shlian aborde la création d’un point de vue scientifique, le conduisant à s’entourer de chercheurs de l’université du Michigan. Ensemble, ils travaillent à échelle nanométrique pour étudier les structures du papier. Un support idéal selon lui, pour illustrer la division cellulaire, le développement des cellules solaires. Ces observations scientifiques sont une première étape. Le processus d’exécution dépend d’une planification et de mesures précises, chirurgicales.
Cependant, le plus important demeure le pli initial. Cette toute première action qui va provoquer comme une suite de dominos un transfert d’énergie vers les plis suivants. Et c’est également au travers d’ incidents arbitraires et au fur et à mesure de la construction que le mouvement se crée, donnant naissance à des compositions fascinantes dans lesquelles la force transcende la légèreté du papier.
O. Goutal
Born in 1980 in the United States in Connecticut, Matt Shlian has developed an original language at the crossroads of art and science.
Trained in ceramics, notably at Alfred University and Cranbrook, he does not claim any affiliation, considering his work on the fringe of any artistic movement.
He quickly became interested in digital printing and paper, which he appreciated the delicacy and immediacy.
Matt Shlian tackles the creation of a scientific point of view, leading him to surround himself with researchers from the University of Michigan. Together, they work on a nanoscale to study paper structures. An ideal support in his opinion, to illustrate cell division, the development of solar cells. These scientific observations are a first step. The execution process depends on accurate surgical planning and measurements.
However, the most important remains the initial fold. This first action that will cause as a sequence of dominoes a transfer of energy to the following folds. And it is also through arbitrary incidents and as construction progresses that the movement is created, giving birth to fascinating compositions in which force transcends the lightness of paper.
O. Goutal
« As a paper engineer, my work is rooted in print media, book arts and commercial design. Beginning with an initial fold, a single action causes a transfer of energy to subsequent folds, which ultimately manifest in drawing and three dimensional forms. I use my engineering skills to create kinetic sculpture which have led to collaborations with scientists at University of Michigan. We work on the nanoscale, translating paper structures to micro folds. Our investigations extend to visualizing cellular division and solar cell development. Researchers see paper engineering as a metaphor for scientific principles; I see their inquiry as a basis for artistic inspiration. In my studio I am a collaborator, explorer and inventor. I begin with a system of folding and at a particular moment the material takes over. Guided by wonder, my work is made because I cannot visualize its final realization; in this way I come to understanding through curiosity. »
Matt Shlian

Matt Shlian (American, born in 1980)
Sélection d’expositions:
2018 Context Miami Exhibition, Presented by Duran Marshaal Gallery, Miami, FL
2018 Spatial Acuity Two Person Show with Jason Simms, Madison Gallery, Solana Beach, CA
2018 First Matter Three Person Show with Dylan Gebbia-Richards and Mara Fabbro, GR Gallery, New York, NY
2018 Emergence Group Show, Dimmitt Contemporary Art, Houston, Texas
2018 Art on Paper Faire Exhibition, Presented by Tamarind Institute, New York, NY
2018 IFPDA Fine Art Print Faire Exhibition, Presented by Tamarind Institute, New York, NY
2018 Science et Art 8th Biennale Nationals De Sculpture Contemporaine, Trios- Riveres, Quebec Canada
2018 Two-fold Two Person Show with Frederick Hammersly, Tamarind Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico
2018 Matthew Shlian Solo Show, Thomas Riley Studio, Naples, FL
2018 Seattle Art Fair Exhibition, Presented by Tamarind Institute, Seattle, WA
2018 Cranbrook Alumni Group Exhibition, Honigman, Bloomfield Hills, MI
2018 Science/Art Group Exhibition, Turner Carrol Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2017 Islamic Arts Festival Juried Exhibition, Sharjah, UAE
2017 Telemetry Solo Show, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers FL
2017 Paper.Works Group Exhibition, Arvada Center, Denver, CO
2017 Art and Design in and out of Paper Group Show, LIGHT + ART DESIGN, Chapel Hill, NC
2017 IFPDA Fine Art Print Faire Exhibition, Presented by Tamarind Institute, New York, NY
2017 SOFA Chicago Exhibition, Presented by Michael Warren Contemporary, Chicago, IL
2017 Black and White Group Exhibition, Michael Warren Contemporary, Denver, CO
2016 Chirality Solo Show, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC
2016 Solo Show, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
2016 Solo Show, Thomas Riley Studio, Naples, FL
2016 25th Anniversary Group show, Dennos Museum, Traverse City, MI
2016 Cut up/ Cut out Group Show, Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA
2016 Paper Biennial Rijswijk Group Show, Rijswijk Museum, Netherlands
2015 Telemetry Solo Show, Michael Warren Contemporary Gallery, Denver, CO
2015 Refractive Group Show, Ann Arbor Art Center, Ann Arbor, MI
2015 Flipbook Show Group Show, Carrack Modern Art, Durham, NC
2015 Spring Show Group Show, Thomas Riley Studio, Naples, FL
2015 Rock Paper Scissors 2 person Show with Wally Dion, 330g Gallery, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada
2014 Recent works in Paper Solo Show, Haystack Gallery, Deer Isle, ME
2014 Apophenia Solo Show, Diboll Gallery, Loyola University, New Orleans. LA
2014 Surface to Structure: Folded Forms Juried Show, Cooper Union, New York, NY
2014 Stacked and Folded 2 person show with Li Hongbo, Dennos Museum, Traverse City, MI
2014 Pulp Culture: Paper is the Medium Group Show, Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ
2014 Paper-made Group Show, Jamestown Art Center, Jamestown, RI
2014 Paper Exhibition, Michael Warren Contemporary, Denver, CO
2014 Materials Group Show, SCIN Gallery, London, UK
2014 BURST Group Show, CES Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA
2014 Fold, Paper, Scissors Group Show, MESA Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa, AZ
2014 Black and White Group Show, LIGHT + ART DESIGN, Chapel Hill, NC
2014 Making paper dance: the art of pop up books Group show, Dennos Museum, Traverse City, MI
2013 Pulp Culture Group Show, Art Center Sarasota, FL
2013 Creased Group show Kinokuniya Bookstore, NYC
2013 Art Bodensee Gallery show- rep. Victor Lope, Austria
2013 OFF Art Fair Gallery show- rep. Victor Lope, Brussels
2013 PEAKED Group Show, Craftland Gallery, Providence, RI
2013 Surface Group Show, CES Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Crease Fold and Bend Group Show, Lafayette College, PA
2013 Unpredictable Paperworks Exhibition, Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MA
2013 Paper Exhibition, MONA Gallery, Charlotte, NC
2013 Paper Exhibition, Victor Lope Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2013 2nd Annual Penland Artists Group Show, LIGHT +ART DESIGN, Chapel Hill, NC
2013 Penland Auction Auction, Penland, NC
2012 Ghostly: of art and artifice Group Show, Art Directors Club, NYC
2012 Born of Folding Group show, Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Florida
2012 Popierukas Group Show, FOUR ARTS, Lithuania
2012 Material Assumptions: Paper as Dialogue Group show, Center for Book and Paper Arts, Columbia College, Chicago, IL
2012 Proportion Scale Group Show, Butter Projects, Royal Oak, MI
2012 Carved Complexities Group Show, Nucleus Gallery, Alhambra, CA
2012 Spatial Shift Group Show, Gallery Project, Ann Arbor, MI